Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Edit Cuts the Deepest....

Well, I am learning about the book editing process. So many writers have complained about it through the years and described how they have struggled to hang on to the integrity of their books.

It is of course a necessary part of the process.

Yesterday I got back the editing suggestions from my digital publisher Lazy Day Publishing for my blog novel “Monogamy Sucks.” They want to put it out as an e-book in December.

After the initial shock wore off, I realized that their suggestions are helpful and will only strengthen the book. Now I am in an editing groove and feeling much better about having another crack at improving my novel.

Sometimes you can be too close to your book to see what needs to be done to improve upon it.

My goal is to keep it interesting and fascinating for the reader while making sure I don’t slow down the narrative and my character’s journey with too much background info.

“Show, don’t tell” is a lesson that has been ingrained in me since I took fiction writing classes in college and also from my journalism teachers and newspaper editors.

But as writers — we always need to be reminded of such lessons.

I realize that a blog is not a book, and I am working hard to retain the spirit of my novel that I diligently worked on and dreamed about for 12 years.

The first edit is going well.

Look for more updates on the publishing process here.

George Pappas, Author of blog novel “Monogamy Sucks.”

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Look for Monogamy Sucks as e-Book in December -- From Blog to Book Contract in Just 3 months

Today I signed a contract with exciting new digital publisher Lazy Day Publishing to bring out my blog novel “Monogamy Sucks” as an e-Book by the end of the year. Very excited about this. It happened only a little over 3 months after launching my blogs (and 12 years after I starting writing my book)
Here’s their Web site:
Here are my blogs

In the meantime, you can explore your inner Swinger with the first six chapter of my novel on this blog and my other blog on Word Prss, and continue to follow Jake Dalmas’ intriguing journey when the e-Book comes out.

Look for other updates on the publishing process for Monogamy Sucks on this blog and my other blogs.